With Narendra Modi set to hold a roadshow in the national capital today after scripting a historic win in the Lok Sabha polls, a multi-layer security cover has been put in place in the city with hundreds of policemen and NSG commandos deployed.
Policemen will be manning the security arrangements en route the road show and security personnel will be stationed on high-rise buildings on the route to spot any suspicious activities.
Snipers have been deployed and anti-sabotage checks have been carried out on the route, which has been sanitised.
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"Elaborate police arrangements have been made everywhere on the route and at the place of the function where public is gathering especially at the BJP headquarters.
"We have blocked the traffic at both the sides of the road at the headquarters and the persons who are coming are being frisked and checked. We have also put in place elaborate patrolling and traffic arrangements. All the security agencies are working in coordination with the Delhi Police," said Joint Commissioner M K Meena here.
Asked if there was any security threat to Modi, the JC said, "I can only tell you that we are ready for everything".