Union Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi today voiced disagreement with BJP ally Shiv Sena's threat to stage a protest during leading Pakistan singer Ghulam Ali's performance in Mumbai on October 9, saying it is "not justified" as messengers of peace have no boundaries.
"This is not justified. Ghulam Ali is a messenger of peace. Such messengers of peace should not face restrictions of boundaries. Boundaries should not be fixed for those giving the message of peace," Naqvi said.
The remarks by the Minister of State for Minority Affairs came as Shiv Sena today threatened to stage a protest during the performance of Ghulam Ali at Shanmughananda Hall in Mumbai on October 9, holding it will oppose cultural and sporting relations with the neighbouring country so long as it refused to curb terrorism.
In a letter to the management of the Shanmughananda Hall, Shiv Sena's film wing "Chitrapat Sena" said if it went ahead with the programme featuring the artist from Pakistan they will have to face the "anger of Shiv Sena and the patriotic people.