The BSE Sensex today closed the day at 25,741.56, down 1,624.51 points -- marking the biggest-ever carnage it has received historically.
Interestingly, seven out of the top-10 falls in the markets took place in 2008. But today's fall is the biggest intra-day crash since January 21, 2008 and biggest-ever single-day fall.
Following are the 10 biggest single-day falls at close:
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January 21, 2008: 1,408.35 points
March 17, 2008: 951.03 points
March 3, 2008 : 900.84 points
January 22, 2008: 875.41 points
February 11, 2008: 833.98 points
May 18, 2008: 826.38 points
March 13 2008: 770.63 points
December 17, 2007: 769.48 points
March 31, 2008: 726.85 points
Following are the 10 biggest intra-day falls for Sensex:
January 22, 2008: 2,272.93 points
January 21, 2008: 2,062.20 points
August 24, 2015 : 1,741.35 points
October 24, 2008: 1,204.88 points
October 10, 2008: 1,088.60 points
March 17, 2008: 1,022.25 points
February 11, 2008: 1,007.15 points
October 27, 2008: 1,003.68 points
October 8, 2008: 954.48 points
July 6, 2009: 953.