The BSE benchmark index, which had lost 360 points in last four trading sessions, fell by 123 points in the morning on cautious trading. But in last 30 minutes of trade, the index bounced back sharply to close at 17,541.64, 50.83 points higher than yesterday's close on brisk buying.
Brokers said trading sentiment was bolstered on smooth expiry of August month series in the derivatives segment as traders covered their pending positions and placed business volume of a record Rs 3.33 lakh crore.
In the 30-share Sensex, 21 stocks led by Hindalco Industries (up 2.27 per cent), TCS (1.68 pc), Cipla (1.57 pc) and HDFC Bank (0.98 pc) gained. Nine counters, however, ended with losses led by Gail (2.32 pc) and Maruti (2.13 pc).
"Shares climbed to day