Maharashtra Election Commissioner Neela Satyanarayan said here today that she had urged Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan to create a separate machinery for the conduct of polls instead of putting a burden on teachers and government officials.
"The strain on teachers and other government officials, who are roped in for election duty is immense and need of the hour is to have a separate machinery," Satyanarayan, whose tenure ends tomorrow, said in a press conference.
She said she had also asked Chavan to have fixed dates for gram panchayat, zilla parishad and municipal corporation elections in advance.
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"This will help in blocking 40 days a year for election code of conduct and development works will not be hampered," she said.
Satyanarayan has also demanded judicial powers for the state election commissioner "like those in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala".
"Even elections for grampanchayats have high stakes. But, the State Election Commission does not have powers to take action," she added.