Puthiya Tamizhagam leader K Krishnasamy today demanded that a special intelligence team be constituted to investigate "atrocities against dalits in south Tamil Nadu."
A special court should be constituted in every district to probe cases relating to atrocities against dalits, he told reporters here.
He also opined that dalit IAS officials were not being given important portfolios like Home,and urged the central government to give standing instructions to state governments to provide important assignments to dalit IAS officers.
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He said IAS officer C Umashankar was officer in waiting list for several months, and he got frustrated and resorted to religious propaganda.However, the PT leader said, Umashankar's action of participating in Christian propaganda activity could not be justified in any way nor his views right.
He suggested that Umashankar could be given some busy department,to keep engaged, and prevent him from participating in christian religious propaganda.