The Madhya Pradesh High Court today served notices to the Bhopal Collector, the Commissioner of Bhopal Municipal Corporation (BMC) and others on a petition filed by yesteryear Bollywood actor Sharmila Tagore seeking a direction to remove encroachments on her land in the state capital.
Justice Vandhana Kasrekar issued the notices, the replies to which are to be filed within a month.
Tagore's petition states that she owns 6.28 hectares of land at Koh-e-Fiza in Bhopal and a person named Chand Khan has encroached upon 15,000 square feet of this land.
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The land in question is close to Bada Talab (Upper Lake).
Tagore's lawyer Rajesh Pancholi told the court that BMC and the revenue authorities had been told about the encroachment but no action is being taken.