Union Minister Shashi Tharoor, who is seeking reelection to Lok Sabha in the April 10 polls, has declared a total assest of about Rs 23 crore.
Tharoor, who filed nomination papers from Thiruvananthapuram, said in his affidavit that his total income for the year 2012-2013 was Rs 75,40,650.
He has a total investments in company shares, bonds, bank accounts and mutual fund investments to a tune of Rs 9.40 crore, besides gold jewellery and other precious items worth Rs 32 lakhs.
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An apartment in Thiruvanathapuram which he purchased at a price of Rs 45 lakhs has now a market value of Rs 65 lakhs and his total immovable property was to the tune of Rs.94,40,966.
Talking to reporters after submitting the nomination papers, Tharoor said he was confident that people would reelect him judging the programmes implemented by him in the constituency.
There was no anti-incumbent wave in the state. However, "I do not think that we can win the election easily. I have asked UDF activists to work sincerely", he said.