Union Law Minister Kapil Sibal today moved the Election Commission against senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy over his complaint that the senior Congress leader wilfully did not disclose the business interests of his wife, saying such allegations are aimed at defaming him.
The Minister said that Swamy's claim that one of the companies in which his wife has a stake is an exporter of cow meat is intended to evoke religious sentiments "and thus violative of the model code of conduct".
Sibal said the value of the shares held by his wife in the private unlisted companies is in accordance with law and is disclosed in her wealth tax returns.
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The Congress leader further said the details of his wife's wealth tax are reflected in the statement of her assets filed with the EC along with his nomination papers for Chandni Chowk parliamentary constituency.
"Knowingly making a false complaint to prosecute someone itself is a criminal offence. I, therefore, request the Election Commission to file an FIR against Subramanian Swamy and the BJP for addressing this communication to the Election Commission," Sibal said in his petition.
He also urged the poll panel to take action against Swamy and BJP for violating poll code for claiming that the company in which his wife has stakes exports meat, including cow meat.
Responding to questions on remarks made by Swamy against Priyanka Gandhi, Sibal said "we can't expect anything better from the one who can only spout vitriol and hate."
Accusing Sibal of "wilfully" not disclosing details of companies owned by his wife in his election affidavit, Swamy had last week approached the Election Commission seeking action against the Congress leader.