Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia today requested the DU Vice-Chancellor to work out a detailed plan to make arrangement for "1.25 lakh students" who pass out of Class 12 but are unable to find admission for higher studies.
"I am standing today at a moment, where there is crowd of 1.25 lakh students behind me who do not get admission in higher educational institutions after Class 12.
"I request DU Vice Chancellor Yogesh Tyagi to come out with a plan to make arrangement for 1.25 lakh students who graduate out of Class 12 but are unable to find admission for higher studies. Delhi government will give all support and resource for it," he said.
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He was speaking at the inauguration of a new building of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College in Dwarka's Sector 4 here.
Later he also tweeted in Hindi that congratulations to PWD engineers for the new college building, but keep files ready, "tota-maina do-teen deen meyn aate rahenge.