Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis today said the state government is in the process of setting up an e-platform for monitoring the implementation of free health care to the poor by charitable hospitals.
Replying to a debate in the Legislative Assembly on the complaints that charitable hospitals do not fulfil the mandatory 10 per cent of the total beds to be reserved for poor for free treatment, Fadnavis said the new software will help continuous monitoring and ensure that the needy and poor are benefited.
"Till the new set up comes into being, a monitoring cell would be established in the chief minister's office," he said.
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The chief minister also accepted the demand of legislators to set up a committee to look into the complaints against the charitable hospitals and also make recommendations on how to improve health care for poor and deprived sections of the society.
Fadnavis said his government would positively consider the demand that the Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayi Health Scheme be made mandatory for the charitable hospitals, which is at present optional.