The son of Uttar Pradesh Cricket Association (UPCA) Director, Mayank Bajpai, has been accused of interfering in the affairs of the association despite not being a member of the body.
Five days back, when the Allahabad High Court had sent its appointee for inspection of the Green Park stadium in Kanpur, Mayank was guiding the official even though he doesn't hold any position in the UPCA.
"I did not get any formal letter that said Mayank will overlook the inspection by the High Court. There should have been a UPCA office bearer to oversee the visit," Anil Banodha, the deputy director of UPCA, said.
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Earlier some of the UPCA officials had alleged Mayank's father, Jyoti Bajpai, of promoting his son to a position equivalent to his.
Sources in the body say that since Jyoti has not been keeping well, he has been trying to pave a way for his businessman son to manage the affairs of the cricket body.