Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren today said the era of Mahatma Gandhi and former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri was different from now, yet their legacy could be carried forward through positive thoughts and constructive measures.
"Gandhiji and Lal Bahadur Shastri were known for their commitment in steering the nation. With the passage of time those eras and the present era have become quite different.
"Yet we should all commit ourselves to carry forward their legacy with understanding, commitment and constructive approaches through constantly improving the social system," Soren said, paying rich tributes to Gandhiji and Shastri.
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Soren said his government was positive in its "thinking and approach" to get closer with the society and the media to steer Jharkhand towards the path of progress while stitching social harmony and making the environment conducive in the process.
"So instead of blaming each other, we should impart our respective duties responsibility and see that how long we tread in our decisions, approach and commitment by next October 2," he said.