BSP chief Mayawati today said SP chief Mulayam Singh Yadav would vacate the Azamgarh seat if he wins from both the Azamgarh and Mainpuri Lok Sabha constituencies.
"Due to the fear of defeat, SP is saying that Azamgarh seat will not be vacated by Mulayam. But in reality, he will be leaving this seat and field a Yadav not from constituency, but from his own family," Mayawati said while addressing a rally here.
Mayawati had earlier said, "Mulayam is contesting from Azamgarh seat to please his second wife and pave way for their son Prateek Yadav."
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She also alleged that SP government was misusing state machinery and spreading rumours because it knew that Mulayam would be defeated in these elections.
"There is a general discussion among people that Mulayam is going to be defeated in Azamgarh. SP men know the reality due to which they are misusing official machinery and spreading rumours," she said.