Superstar Shah Rukh Khan has moved the Gujarat High Court to get quashed a court summons issued to him, for allegedly triggering a melee at Vadodara railway station early this year while promoting his film 'Raees,' that led to a man dying of heart attack at the crowded platform.
The high court is slated to hear Shah Rukh's plea tomorrow.
A Vadodara court had issued summons to him in January this year on a complaint by a local resident, Jitendra Solanki, detailing his alleged culpability in triggering the chaos at the Vadodara railway station during the promotion of his film "Raees."
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Several other persons too were injured in the melee that ensued, he had added in his complaint to the court, seeking prosecution of the actor.
The court had issued summons to Shah Rukh Khan under section 204 of the CrPC after considering that there was sufficient ground for proceedings against him in the case, and ordered him to remain present in the court on July 27.
Solanki had moved the court after the police refused to take his complaint and register an FIR against Khan.
The high court had earlier stayed summons issued to Khan by the Government Railway Police in connection with the same case.
The police had asked him to come to the GRP office and record his statement.
The lawyer for the actor had then argued that such summons cannot be issued against a person who is not staying within the limit of the police station.
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