A group of top health-care professionals and other experts today began a two-day meeting here to deliberate on the report to be submitted to the United Nations on ensuring 'health for all'.
Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) is hosting Sustainable Development Solutions Network's Thematic Group on Health for All, one of twelve thematic areas that the SDSN has identified as sustainable development priorities, here.
SDSN is an independent global network of research centres, universities and technical institutions and the UN has tasked it with finding solutions for some of the world's most pressing environmental, social and economic problems.
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PHFI President K Srinath Reddy is one of the Co-Chairs of SDSN's Thematic Group on Health for All.
The world's governments have agreed last year at the Rio+ 20 Summit to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The governments asked the UN Secretary General to coordinate the preparation of these goals by 2015 to make a seamless transition from Millennium Development Goals (MDGs to be achieved by 2015) to the SDGs.
Reddy told reporters that the thematic group would submit its report to the UN in September.