MPs belonging to the Scheduled Tribes and the Dalit communities have urged the government to ensure quota for these groups in private sector jobs and also in judiciary by constituting an Indian judicial service on the lines of several all India services like the IAS.
A statement from the office of Union minister and Dalit leader Ram Vilas Paswan said that he hosted a meeting of lawmakers belonging to the these communities last night during which these demands were made.
These MPs belonged to different political parties and they also decided to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi to stress on their demands, it said.
The other demands made by them included ensuring quota for Dalits and STs in promotion in government jobs by bringing a law, it said.
"The representation of Scheduled Castes (dalits) and STs in judicial service is not sufficient. Therefore, Indian Judicial Service should be formed on the lines of the IAS and IPS, and the representation of these communities should be ensured therein," the statement said.
It also said that several orders issued by the University Grants Commission have adversely affected reservation and these should be reviewed to protect interests of these communities.
These MPs have been meeting from time to time to discuss interests of the SCs and STs and often made these demands.
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