The prestigious Kanpur Lok Sabha seat which goes to polls tomorrow will decide the fate of 21 candidates including the three-time sitting Congress MP Shriprakash Jaiswal, veteran BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi, SP's Surendra Mohan Agrawal and Salim Ahmed of BSP.
The Election Commission has set up around 1,480 polling booths. Twenty-one candidates are in the fray.
A total of 16,10,615 voters, including 7,21,710 women voters are eligible to exercise their franchise, election officials said.
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The electoral roll includes around two lakh young voters who will cast their vote for the first time, they said.
The Kanpur Lok Sabha seat comprises five assembly seats- Govind Nagar, Sishamau, Arya Nagar, Kidwai Nagar and Kanpur Cantt.
The highest number of voters 3,68,000 is from Govind Nagar area.
Elaborate security arrangements including videography and still photography at polling centres have been made to ensure peaceful polling process which begins at 7 am and will continue till six in the evening tomorrow.
To avoid inconvenience and provide voters some respite from the scorching sun, the Election Commission has also set up tents in fifty polling stations.
Additionally, one wheel chair has been arranged at every polling booth for elderly who will exercise their franchise tomorrow.
The political parties are thronging social networking platforms in a cyber war and are banking upon the social media's word-of-mouth novelty factor to ensure their nominees are on top of the mind of the netizens.