Delhi BJP leader Vijender Gupta today met the city police chief, seeking his intervention to stall action against diesel taxis having all-India tourist permits following a Supreme Court decision to ban them in the national capital.
"The Police Commissioner was requested to ensure that the taxis having all-India tourist permits are not seized by police personnel and passengers are not harassed," Gupta said.
Gupta led a delegation of representatives of various taxi tourist associations to the meeting.
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Authorities have started impounding diesel-run cabs plying on local routes in the national capital following the ban.
"The taxi operators are suffering for no fault of theirs. They have been issued permit and allowed to operate by the Delhi government," Gupta said.
They have taken vehicle loans and now they are fighting for survival, he said and appealed to the Delhi government to help taxi owners and extend them financial aid to get CNG kits fitted.