Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Thursday said the states should come up with an action plan to curb the rising incidents of digital banking frauds in the country after a Member of Parliament raised the issue in the House.
Raising the issue during the Zero Hour, Arvind Kumar Sharma of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said on one hand the nation was moving towards Digital India while on the other hand, such fraudulent activities were taking place.
"In digital banking, frauds are taking place through different apps like Paytm.... Every day frauds are taking place...and the police does not even register an FIR," he said.
Digital India is the dream of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and in this way, people are being cheated, Sharma said.
Soon after the member raised the issue, Birla said directions should be given to the states, which should come up with an action plan.