The Special Task Force of Uttar Pradesh police has been directed to track down two absconding policemen who allegedly raped a 14-year-old girl inside police station premises on Wednesday and were sacked.
ADG (Crime) H S Awasthi said the Special Task Force has been roped in as both the constables were missing after the incident.
The ADG said that medical examination had found injuries on the girl and they were awaiting other reports. However, IG, Law and Order, A Satish Ganesh had told reporters yesterday that the medical examination of the girl had confirmed the rape.
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Awasthi said that there was no criminal record of the two constables, but one them had been penalised for dereliction of duty in the past.
The 14-year-old girl was allegedly abducted and gang-raped by the two constables inside a police station prompting the authorities to terminate the accused and suspend the SHO.
The girl was allegedly abducted on December 31 by constables Veer Pal Singh Yadav and Avnish Yadav, police had said.
She was taken to Musajhag Police Station and allegedly raped there, Superintendent of Police (City) Lallan Singh had said.