Sudipta Sen, the main accused in the Saradha chitfund scam, suspended Trinamool Congress MP Kunal Ghosh and alleged associate Debjani Mukherjee were today sent by a city court to judicial remand till July seven following their CBI custody since June 16 in connection with a Supreme Court-ordered probe.
Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Haradhan Mukhopadhyay rejected the bail plea of all the three and sent them to judicial custody.
Three others who were taken in custody by CBI in the case, Manoj Nagel, Arvind Chouhan and Somnath Dutta, who were senior officials of the Saradha Group of companies, had been sent to judicial remand on June 23.
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Sen and Mukherjee were arrested from a hotel in Kashmir's tourist town Sonmarg on April 23, 2013 and were taken in custody by Bidhannagar Police of West Bengal.
The others were arrested later by the state police.