Speaking at the prize distribution ceremony of Asia Kabaddi Cup at Lahore, Badal said that there was an urgent need to organise games between the teams of Eastern and Western Punjab more frequently to give exposure to budding players and nurture them for future.
Underlining the need for mutual exchange program between two Punjabs, Badal said that Eastern and Western Punjab should collectively work out an exchange program of sharing expert coaches to get best talent from the rural belts.
Congratulating the Pakistan team on winning Asian Cup kabaddi, Badal said that in Indo-Pak games, whosoever wins it is the Punjab that wins.
According to an official release, Badal said that time has come that Asian countries chalk out a collective strategy to hone the talent of its budding players so that they could be prepared for cut throat international competitions.
Talking about the steps taken by Punjab government to boost sports culture in the state, Badal said that in last five years, 14 stadia at the cost of Rs 214 crore were built and most modern infrastructure have been provided to the sportspersons.
He also said that he was focusing on traditional games like kabaddi, hockey, etc as these games are least expensive and quite popular amongst the village youth.
Stating that by encouraging the youth to take up sports their energy could be chanellised, Badal said "we can distract them from the drug addiction".