Indian actor Suraj Sharma, best known for his titular character in 'Life of Pi', has joined the starcast of popular terror drama 'Homeland 4'.
The actor will play the recurring role of Aayan Ibrahim, a Pakistani medical student, who crosses path with CIA agent Carrie Mathison.
The action thriller series has also tapped Corey Stoll and Laila Robins as cast members, reported Ace Showbiz.
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'Homeland' will begin production for season 4 later this month in Cape Town, South Africa for a fall premiere. The new season will likely see Carrie on a field mission after she took a job as chief of station in the Middle East.
After starring in the critically-acclaimed 3D film 'Life of Pi', Sharma played a role in 'Million Dollar Arm', a biopic about sports agent JB Bernstein, starring Jon Hamm.