Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Subramanian Swamy on Monday alleged that investigative agencies had been provided information about 21 undisclosed foreign bank accounts of former finance minister P Chidambaram’s son Karthi or his companies and claimed appropriate action was not being taken.
Karthi, however, rubbished Swamy’s allegation as “outrageous” and emphasised that all his “assets are duly reflected in IT filings”.
At a press conference here, Swamy, a former union minister, also targeted the finance ministry, alleging it did not appear to be keen to pursue the matter.
Swamy alleged that there was no “political sanction” to act against Karthi even after three summons by the Enforcement Directorate (ED).
Karthi was quick to deny Swamy’s allegations in posts on Twitter, minutes after the press conference.
“Some outrageous claims have been made about me. My filings are up to date n completely in compliance with regulatory/statutory requirements,” Karthi tweeted. “My family’s n my assets are duly reflected in our IT filings. My companies have made all declarations as required by statutory requirements,” he added.
Swamy also targeted former Finance Minister P Chidambaram alleging there were irregularities in the clearances given for the Aircel-Maxis deal during his tenure.