Punjab Congress chief Amarinder Singh on Tuesday asked Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal to pursue the Sutlej Yamuna Link (SYL) canal matter in the Supreme Court instead of getting resolutions passed in panchayats.
"This is a lame attempt at covering up by Badal for weakening Punjab's case in the Supreme Court (in connection with SYL)," he said in a statement.
The former Chief Minister was reacting to resolutions being passed at panchayats opposing the construction of the canal as reported by a section of the media.
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He suggested that the state must insist on setting up of a fresh tribunal to look into the actual availability of water right now before a final decision is taken.
He said, the actual water flow in the erstwhile Punjab rivers, between 1921 and 1945, was 15.8 MAF (million acre feet). Since then, the glaciers have melted and the water flow has substantially come down to 13 MAF now.
The Amritsar MP maintained that Eradi Commission, on whose recommendations Haryana has built up its case, had claimed the water flow to be 18 MAF which was wrong as the figures were taken during floods in Punjab when the water level was high.
Amarinder alleged that Badal with his characteristic indecisiveness has weakened Punjab's case "which, otherwise, was legally very strong after the passage of the Punjab Termination of Agreements Act in 2004", while stating, "thanks to Badal, Punjab is now at the risk of losing everything that it had gained in 2004 with the passage of the Act".
He maintained that Badal was deliberately trying to politicise the issue so that he could prepare the ground for "wriggling out of the situation and hide his failures".
"I am sure, he is planning to enact some political drama ahead of the elections," Amarinder said, adding, "it is so unfortunate that even at this crucial stage, Badal is still concerned more about himself than saving Punjab's waters".