CPI(M) today attacked BJP for "colluding" with Congress in getting the controversial Telangana bill passed in Lok Sabha by "violating all norms and procedures."
"The way the UPA government has conducted itself in the matter poses a threat to democracy and the federal principle," the party Politburo said in a statement.
Maintaining that the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Bill was adopted by Lok Sabha in "an undemocratic way violating all norms and procedures," it said no debate took place on the bill which sought to divide "the first linguistically reorganised state in India" and was thus a vitally important issue.
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"No debate took place on the bill and it was adopted in the din by a voice vote. The demand for a discussion made by some opposition parties was denied. All this was done in collusion between the Congress and the BJP," it said.
"As the major opposition party, even though it is in favour of bifurcation, it was the BJP's elementary responsibility to demand that a proper debate takes place on the bill. However, it chose to go along with the Congress party's violation of all parliamentary norms," it said.
On the blackout of the live telecast of Lok Sabha proceedings, the Left party said it was "a surreptitious move to prevent the people from seeing the undemocratic spectacle".