Titled "Tagore Tells and the Patua Paints," the project undertaken by the Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust (Sahmat) will bring new versions of three of Tagore's texts in book form in Hindi, English and Bengali.
Universally acknowledged for his vanguard contribution to children's education in India, the Nobel laureate had produced the classic Sahaj Path a primer for basic education in the country.
The texts chosen to be reproduced are "The Parrot's Tale" (Tota-kahini), a tale in prose, "Birpurush" ( The Hero), a small boy's fantasy in verse about an adventure and "Diner Alo Nibhe Elo"( Daylight is fading), a poem describing a rainy sunset.
The visuals have been composed by eleven patuas of the younger generation hailing from the districts of east Medinipur and west Medinipur. The project has been conceived and co-ordinated by Malini Bhattacharya.(MORE)PTI ANS DBL ANS