Noted Taiwanese poet Yu Hsi has lauded Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa for her "significant contributions" towards the growth of Tamil language and literature at the 35th Congress of World Poets in Taiwan.
"Dr Yu Hsi showered encomiums on the Chief Minister for her significant contributions towards the growth of Tamil language and literature by instituting several awards to honour the living poets and scholars," an official release here said today.
The scholar also lauded Jayalalithaa for "declaring the birth anniversary of the revolutionary poet Bharathidasan as Tamil Poets Day," the release added.
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Yu Hsi praised Jayalalithaa for her efforts aimed at promotion of Tamil at the 35th Congress of World Poets inaugurated yesterday at Hualien in Taiwan.
The Taiwanese scholar had translated Tamil classic Thirukkural, poems of Bharathiyar, Bharathidasan and Avvaiyar's "Aathichoodi" (containing morals) in Mandarin.
A team of State officials headed by M Rajaram, Secretary to the Government, Tamil Development and Information participated.