Talk therapy sessions can help reduce the risk of suicide among high-risk groups, a new study has found.
Repeat suicide attempts and deaths by suicide were roughly 25 per cent lower among a group of Danish people who underwent voluntary short-term psychosocial counselling after suicide attempts.
The findings are believed to be the first to show that talk therapy-focused suicide prevention actually works, averting future suicide attempts in this very high-risk population.
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Although just six-to-ten talk therapy sessions were provided, researchers found long-term benefits: Five years after the counselling ended, there were 26 per cent fewer suicides in the group that received treatment as compared to a group that did not.
"We know that people who have attempted suicide are a high-risk population and that we need to help them. However, we did not know what would be effective in terms of treatment," said the study's leader, Annette Erlangsen, an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Mental Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
"Now we have evidence that psychosocial treatment - which provides support, not medication - is able to prevent suicide in a group at high risk of dying by suicide," said Erlangsen.
The findings suggest that it might be valuable to broadly implement therapy programmes for people who have attempted suicide in the past.
Researchers looked at 5,678 people who received psychosocial therapy at one of eight suicide prevention clinics.
They then compared their outcomes over time with 17,304 people who had attempted suicide and looked similar on 31 factors but had not gone for treatment afterward. Participants were followed for up to 20 years.
The researchers found that during the first year, those who received therapy were 27 per cent less likely to attempt suicide again and 38 per cent less likely to die of any cause. After five years, there were 26 per cent fewer suicides in the group that had been treated following their attempt.
After 10 years, the suicide rate for those who had therapy was 229 per 100,000 compared to 314 per 100,000 in the group that did not get the treatment.
The therapy itself varied depending on the individual needs of the patient so the researchers can't say exactly what the "active ingredient" was that inoculated many against future suicide attempts.
While it is possible that it was simply the provision of a safe, confidential place to talk, the researchers say they plan to gather more data on which specific types of therapy may have worked better than others.