The Tamil Nadu government will hold a two-day Global Investors' Meet (GIM) here from May 23, 2015 to showcase the state's potential and also lure investments.
The meet will focus on sectors like electronics, textiles, agro and food processing, IT/ITES, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, automobiles and auto components.
Besides, sectors such as chemicals and petrochemicals, engineering and heavy engineering, infrastructure, including roads and minor port development, will be highlighted.
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"A world-class exhibition will showcase the state's competitive strengths, investment opportunities, avenues of collaboration, investment facilitation mechanisms and financial support," it said.
Countries like Japan, USA, France, Germany, UK and South Korea will take part in the exhibition.
"Focused discussions with potential investors will be held to finalise their investment plans so that a large number of MoUs could be signed," the release said.
JETRO (Japan External Trade Organisation), USIBC (US-India Business Council), KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency), are some of the partner organisations for the event, it added.