The Thanjavur Chattiram Tashildar was arrested today by the Vigilance and Anti Corruption department officials while receiving bribe from a hut dweller for availing an official favour, police said.
Abhudhagir, a resident of Malliyam near Mayiladuthurai, had sought official sanction from the administration to convert his thatched hut into a concrete home. He also paid Rs 5,000 as directed.
Tahsildhar Sukumar demanded Rs 20,000 from the man for availing subsidy under a state government scheme to convert his hut into a concrete home, they said.
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Acting on a complaint from Abhudhagir, DVAC personnel set a trap and asked him to hand over chemically smeared currency notes to the Tahsildhar at Chattiram Administrative office in Thanjavur.
He was caught red handed while receiving the bribe amount, police said.