Santu from Mandala Kalan village near Jodhpur has refused to go with her husband and is determined to break the wedlock, Kriti Bharti of Sarthi Trust said.
"She approached us about 3 days back with her father and expressed her wish to get her marriage annulled, which was solemnised with Babulal of a nearby village Mandala Khurd, when she was barely 9 months," Bharti said.
The other side has allegedly refused consent to the annulment and asked the girl to accept the marriage and come to the husband's house.
"I want to get rid of this relationship. The boy is medically unfit and under continuous treatment. Besides, he is also shorter to me," Santu said.
Narayan Ram Jat, her father, claimed that when they refused to send Santu to Babulal's house, his family threatened them of calling a caste panchayat and getting them expelled from the community.
"They also threatened us that they would not allow the marriage of my other daughters to take place," Jat, a farmer, also claimed.