Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat today announced to rename the Tehri lake after famous freedom fighter from the state, Shri Dev Suman, and tourism projects located close to it after the villages that submerged in the Tehri dam.
Making the announcement at the concluding ceremony of the two-day Tehri Adventure Tourism Festival at Koti in New Tehri, Rawat said the lost glory of Tehri district cannot be forgotten and the state government will restore it by reviving tourism.
Describing the festival as a step in that direction, he said all efforts will be made to modernise Tehri and develop it as a major tourist spot in the years to come.
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He asked Tehri's District Magistrate to immediately issue a notification regarding renaming of the Tehri lake.
Government will lay stress on giving a boost to tourism activities around Tehri lake in the next ten years so that employment opportunities are generated for the local youth and their migration from the hills in search of livelihood can be stopped, the Chief Minister said.
Tourism Minister of the state Dinesh Danai said the festival was a major step towards giving a push to tourism activities in Tehri.