The Gujarat Anti-Terrorism Squad said this evening that it had released the two men who were held earlier today in Tapi district bordering Maharashtra on the suspicion of being terrorists, after they established their identity.
The two were held at Songadh check-post on Gujarat- Maharashtra border by Gujarat police's special operations group and handed over to the ATS.
"We have released both the persons, hailing from Sopore in Jammu and Kashmir, after they proved their identity," said Superintendent of Police, Gujarat ATS, Himanshu Shukla.
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The police earlier got suspicious because one of them resembled the sketch of an absconding accomplice of the Pakistani terrorist Naved Yakub (who was arrested after the Udhampur attack), Shukla told PTI.
The National Investigation Agency yesterday issued sketches of two absconding accomplices of Naved Yakub.
Zarghan alias Mohammed Bhai, aged about 38-40 years, and Abu Okasha, aged about 17-18 years, are suspected to be involved, along with Naved, in the attack on BSF convoy in Udhampur district of Jammu and Kashmir on August 5. Two BSF personnels were killed in the attack.