Moved by the plight of a two-year-old girl separated from her parents, Union Minister Manish Tewari has written to the nodal officer for Uttarakhand rescue operations, seeking special efforts to reunite the child with her family.
Media reports had highlighted the case of the child who is probably the youngest survivor of the devastation that occurred at Kedarnath.
A rescue team had brought the child to Rishikesh after she was found separated from her family and with both her legs fractured.
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In his letter to V K Duggal, the I&B minister said that "while the situation in Uttarakhand is tragic to say the least, however what is especially poignant is the condition of children who ostensibly are still to be reunited with their families."
Tewari drew Duggal's attention to the case of 'Chhoti', the name given to the child by hospital staff, and said that the little child is waiting to be reunited with her parents.
"While continuing with the rescue, relief and rehabilitation efforts, I would be obliged if a special effort could be made to reunite this little girl 'Chhoti' with her parents," Tewari said in his letter.