Deprecating Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's dharna demanding action against police officials, Union Minister Anand Sharma today said anybody violating law should be arrested and punished.
"Nobody, irrespective of high office can violate law. If they violate law, then they must be arrested," Sharma told reporters here.
In an unprecedented action, Kejriwal and his ministers today began a dharna outside Rail Bhavan demanding action against police officials who refused to carry out a raid on an alleged drug and prostitution racket in south Delhi last week.
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Sharma said that he was aggrieved at the whole affair of involving African girls whose rights have been violated.
"As a person engaged with Africa for so long, I am deeply aggrieved. The human rights of these African girls were violated and it has happened in the land of Gandhi. And those who have done it must be punished.
"It has hurt India's image and profile. India commands goodwill and respect throughout the developing world, particularly in Africa. We are shocked that we have people in office who have no regards for human beings, no respect for human rights and no respect for the law of the land," he added.
Four Ugandan nationals last week registered a police case against unknown persons for allegedly harassing them during a raid reportedly conducted at the behest of a Delhi minister and his party cadre.