As a tribute to one of their fellow mates who donated her organs after succumbing to brain tumour recently, more than thousand students of a private college in Kerala capital have taken a pledge to donate their organs.
The students of Mar Ivanios College here took the pledge and signed in the symbolic organ donation cards expressing their consent for the gesture at the college auditorium here, as part of the annual college festival yesterday.
Noted singer G Venugopal administered the the pledge "we do-we donate" to the gathering comprising students and teachers.
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The campaign, launched by the college union, was to mark the noble gesture of Teena Thankan, a former graduate student of the collge who wished to donate her vital organs before succumbing to brain tumour some months back.
Her decision gave fresh lease of life to five persons who were battling for life, college union representatives said.
The union representatives said they were planning to organise awareness drives on organ donation annually. They also conducted street plays to expose the illegal activities of organ donation mafia.