"Former village head Vijay Bahadur Singh, Dhirendra Bahadur Singh and Kaushal Kishore Singh have been arrested in connection with murder of astrologer Ramesh Chandra Tiwari, who was killed on November 15," Additional Director General of Police (law and order) Arun Kumar told reporters here.
Tiwari (34), known as Guruji, was sitting in his house in Unchgaon area along with his family members when two motorcycle-borne youth in police uniform came and opened fire injuring him and his brother.
Kumar said that a week before the killing a meeting was held in which the planning was done.
"The meeting was attended by Dhirendra, Lal Shanker Upadhyaya alias Bachai, Amit alias Pandit and Tannu Singh," he said.
The ADG said that during meeting it was decided to hire contract killers, who were brought two days before the murder of Tiwari.
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He said that one of the arrested accused Kaushal was providing inside information to the shooters.
Regarding the motive behind the murder, Kumar said that all the persons, who planned the murder, have disputes with Tiwari for one reason or the other.
"The main dispute was with Dhirendra over location of Kasturba Gandhi school. As Tiwari was rising very fast disputes were taking place continuously," he said.