The crime branch of Nashik police has arrested three persons in a case of house-break in Gangapur Road area here and seized 920 grams of gold, 740 grams of silver, three watches and Rs 7.5 lakh in cash.
The seized booty was worth Rs 17 lakh in total, said police commissioner S Jagannathan.
The arrested men were identified as Sanjay alias Santosh Rajbar from Uttar Pradesh, Raju Swami from Chennai and Nandu Borade, a Deolali-based jeweler.
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Another accused, Ganesh Bhandare, was absconding.
The three men were arrested on Wednesday and the court remanded them in police custody till June 28.
The offence had taken place ten days ago. Rajbar and Bhandare entered the house of Punjawani family by bending the window bars while the family was out of town and made away with gold, silver and cash.