After her husband Anil Ambani, Tina Ambani appeared in a Delhi court as a witness in the 2G spectrum case and CBI claimed that she was "deliberately withholding facts" which the judge found was "adverse" to the prosecution.
Special CBI judge O P Saini hearing the case said her adverseness sprang from her failure to recall about the companies, said to be associates of RADAG, relating to which she had signed the documents.
"In the instant case, though there is no previous statement of witness (Tina), nor has she introduced any new fact adverse to the prosecution, but has certainly signed some documents, which have been shown to her.
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"As such, her adverseness springs from her not recalling about the companies relating to which she signed the documents," Judge Saini said while allowing the CBI to cross-examine its own witness Tina Ambani.
Her husband was yesterday cross-examined by CBI lawyer after he resiled from his statement made during the probe in February 2011.
During the recording of statement, when Tina said she did "not have any knowledge" of Swan Telecom Pvt Ltd, facing trial in the case, special public prosecutor U U Lalit requested the court that he be permitted to put one question to her, "which an adverse party is permitted to put in cross-examination.