With BJP leader Sushma Swaraj tweeting that her party would raise the Justice Ashok Kumar Ganguly issue in Parliament, the Trinamool Congress said today it would also seek a discussion under rule 193 on the conduct of the former Supreme Court judge.
"We will also raise the issue and give notice under Rule 193 for a discussion in respect of conduct of Justice Ganguly and demanding his resignation from the post of the chairman of the West Bengal Human Rights Commission," Chief Whip of the TMC parliamentary party in the Lok Sabha, Kalyan Bandopadhyay told PTI here.
"It is good. We have also demanded his resignation from the post of chairman of the WBHRC. If such an issue is raised (by BJP) in Parliament, we have no objection," another TMC Lok Sabha member Saugata Roy said.
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West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee yesterday wrote a second letter to President Pranab Mukherjee seeking urgent action to remove Justice Ganguly from the WBHRC chairman's post.