Tamil Nadu government today announced a relief of Rs three lakh each to the families of two persons killed in a robbery attempt here on July 4.
Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa condoled the death of Nandini and Sagar, who were killed in the robbery attempt and announced a relief of Rs three lakh each to their families.
She also announced Rs one lakh to another woman who had sustained injuries in the incident and directed best medical treatment for her.
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Nandini (24) and her relative were riding on a two-wheeler after drawing cash from an ATM when the accused Karunakaran came on a motorcycle, snatched the relative's handbag and sped away.
Nandini tried to chase the culprit but lost control of her vehicle which hit a boulder and she died of head injuries. The relative was injured.
Karunakaran, while escaping, hit the senior citizen Sagar, who succumbed to injuries in a hospital. He was later arrested.