Five sportspersons from Tamil Nadu, including a differently-abled woman who had won honours in international contests, have been given away a total cash incentive of Rs 1.45 crore by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa.
Jayalalithaa presented a cheque for Rs 25 lakh to Jenitha Anto of Tiruchirappalli yesterday for winning an international chess tournament for the differently abled held in Serbia last month, a government release said today.
Anto had won the tournament for the fourth time, it said.
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Jayalalithaa also gave away a total cash incentive of Rs 1.20 crore to four other sportspersons who had won medals in different events at the World School Athletics Championship in Turkey in July.
She gave a cheque for Rs 55 lakh to C Ajith Kumar for winning three medals in the competition including gold in medley relay, the release said.
R Naveen was presented with Rs 25 lakh for winning gold in medley relay while L Samayasri and S Priyadarshini were given Rs 20 lakh each for winning silver in Women's medley relay and Triple Jump, respectively.
Naveen and Priyadarshini hail from Chennai while Samayasri is a resident of Coimbatore, the release said while recalling Jayalalithaa's earlier announcement of rich cash awards to athletes from the state who win international accolades.