Tamil Nadu Governor K Rosaiah and Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa today congratulated Indian weightlifter Sathish Kumar Sivalingam for clinching a gold medal in the 20th Commonwealth Games at Glasgow, saying he had done the nation and his home state Tamil Nadu proud.
"It is a matter of great pride for India, especially Tamil Nadu" to see the weightlifter bagging gold medal on his debut at Glasgow, Scotland, Rosaiah said in a statement.
He noted that it was Sathish's determination and hard work that had fetched him the gold medal.
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Hailing Sivalingam for the feat, Jayalalithaa said: "You have done both the nation and the state of Tamil Nadu proud by winning a gold medal and setting a new Commonwealth Games record.
"What is even more remarkable is that you have won a Gold Medal in the first International event of this scale that you have participated in," she said.
She referred to her announcement in December 2011 which, enhanced the financial reward for sportspersons winning a Commonwealth Gold medal to Rs.50 lakhs.
"I congratulate you and all those who have contributed to your success and wish you many more such laurels on behalf the Country and Tamil Nadu in future," she added.
Rosaiah also conveyed his best wishes to Ravi Katulu, who bagged silver Silver in weightlifting.