Sekar, hailing from Thoppu Valasai in Ramanathpuram District, was killed and three other fishermen injured on July 16 when a security team on board the US Navy ship fired at their small boat off Jabel Ali near Dubai, where they were working with a fishing company.
The body of Sekar was brought to Tiruchirappalli by air and by road from there to his native, officials said.
While the fishermen had alleged that the firing was unprovoked, US Navy's Bahrain-based 5th Fleet spokesman had said a security team fired from USNS Rappahannock on the boat after it disregarded warnings and raced towards the ship.
India had taken up the killing with the US which had regretted the loss of life and assured full probe into the incident that was widely condemned by various political parties and fishermen associations in Tamil Nadu.