Launching yet another populist scheme, Tamil Nadu government today rolled out the 'Amma Cement', where it will sell the key construction component at subsidised rate.
According to the scheme, launched by AIADMK supremo Jayalalithaa as Chief Minister in September last year, the government will procure two lakh tonnes of cement from private sector and sell it at Rs 190 per bag in all Corporation, Municipalities and other local body limits.
Jayalalithaa is addressed as 'Amma' (Mother) by her party
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supporters. The ruling AIADMK had earlier launched a series of initiatives like Amma Mineral Water, Amma Canteens and Amma Salt.
The initiative was launched in Tiruchirappalli today at
five godowns to start with and will be expanded in phases and implemented throughout Tamil Nadu in 470 godowns by January 10, an official release here said.
As per the scheme, beneficiaries can avail a minimum of
50 bags of cement for 100 sq.Ft. And a maximum of 750 bags for 1500 sq.Ft at Rs 190 each. They have to submit the approved building plan with the local authorities to avail it.
Further, 10-100 bags will be provided for house repair work and the scheme will be available to those constructing houses under government's Solar-powered green houses besides Centre's housing scheme, the Indira Awas Yojana.