Tamil Nadu Governor K Rosaiah, Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, DMK Chief M Karunanidhi and other political leaders extended their greetings to the Teaching fraternity on the eve of Teachers' Day.
"On the Teachers Day, let us resolve to show our gratitude to the teaching community and recall the selfless services rendered by them which have made us what we are today",Rosaiah said in a Raj Bhavan press release.
In her message, Jayalalithaa said, the role of a teacher was not only to educate but also to develop good conduct and discipline among the students.
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Noting that 53,28 teachers were appointed during the last three years, she said, currently, 14,700 vacancies were getting filled.
She said for the welfare of the teaching community, her government was executing various welfare schemes.
DMK Chief M Karunanidhi requested teachers to inculcate patriotism and love for Tamil language among students.
BJP Tamil Nadu unit President Thamizhisai Sounderrajan and PMK Leader Ramadoss also extended their greetings.