Tamil Nadu Governor K Rosaiah, Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa and DMK President M Karunanidhi today extended their greetings on the Bakrid to be celebrated tomorrow.
"On the solemn occasion of Bakrid, I convey my heartiest greetings and best wishes to all my Muslim Brethren. May 'Id ul Zaha, the Festival of Sacrifice, rekindle in us the spirit of sacrifice, promote qualities of sharing and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and harmony", he said in a Raj Bhavan release.
"Let love and peace prevail among the Muslim brothers and sisters on the occasion", Jayalalithaa said.
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Quoting Prophet Muhammad sayings, she said peace would prevail worldover by following such sayings.
Karunanidhi said: "I extend my wishes to all those Muslims who follow the morals and principles quoted in Islam and leading a righteous life," he said.