Tamil Nadu Governor K Rosaiah, DMK president M Karunanidhi, AIADMK Chief J Jayalalithaa and other political leaders today extended their greetings to Jain community on the occasion of Mahavir Jayanthi, to be celebrated tomorrow.
"On the occasion of Mahavir Jayanthi, I convey my heartiest greetings and best wishes to all my Jain Brethern. Let us on the Birthday of Lord Mahavir resolve to lead a moral, compassionate and truthful life, curb our individual cravings and passions and promote ahimsa and tolerance", Rosaiah said in release.
Karunanidhi claimed that it was during DMK regime a government holiday was declared on the occasion of Mahavir Jayanthi in the State.
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"I wish the Jain community who are leading a life as guided by Mahavir", he said in a statement.
In her statement Jayalalithaa said "Peace and tranquility will prevail in the world if teachings of Mahavir are followed. Mahavir preached the importance of loving all living beings. I wish all those who lead a life following the preachings of Mahavir on the occasion.